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Short Story Markets

List of short story I have my eye on. All are paying, not all of them are pro. 


Magazines, no deadline

http://giganotosaurus.org/submission-guidelines/ 100$

https://sycamorereview.com/submissions/ $50

http://www.milkfist.com/submission_guidelines $10

https://lovecraftzine.com/submissions/ $50

http://www.sockdolager.net/submission-guidelines/ 2 CENT + REPRINTS

https://gallerycurious.com/submissions/ 1.5 CENTS STEAMPUNK RETROFUTURE

http://www.slicemagazine.org/submit-your-work/#.VKWPiIqsVHi $250

https://redsunmagazine.wordpress.com/guidelines/ $100

http://syntaxandsalt.com/submit/ Magical Realism $10

https://grendel-song.com/submit/ 3 CENTS Folklore

http://www.blackgirlmagicmag.com/submit/ $50

http://www.brackenmagazine.com/ 2 CENTS

http://www.whethermagazine.com/write-for-us/ $50


https://vastarien-journal.com/submission-guidelines/ 1 CENT

http://www.norwegianamerican.com/contribute/ $50

https://authorbobfreeman.wordpress.com/2016/06/15/occult-detective-quarterly/ 1 CENT

https://persistentvisionsmag.com/guidelines 7 CENTS

http://www.wolvesmagazine.com/#!submissions/c24vq $5-30


Anthologies, Themed Issues 

http://horrortree.com/taking-submissions-the-binge-watching-cure/ $250-500 Dec 31st

http://www.worldweaverpress.com/submit-anthologies.html Krampus Aug 31st $10

http://horrortree.com/taking-submissions-the-worlds-of-science-fiction-fantasy-and-horror-vol-ii/ $100 Oct 15th

https://orfordparishbooks.com/2016/06/21/call-for-submissions-for-new-england-folk-horror-anthology/ New England $75 2017

http://horrortree.com/taking-submissions-dark-toronto/ 3 CENTS Jan 31st

http://www.farolightpublishing.com/submissions/ 3 CENTS Sep 15th

http://frithbooks.com/restless/ $250 Aug 31st

http://poletopolepublishing.com/submissions/ 2 CENTS Aug 30th

http://www.tacituspublishing.com/call_for_submissions.html 1 CENT Oct 31st

http://martianmigrainepress.com/submission-call-for-the-2017-mmp-anthology/ 3 CENTS Jan 31

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1962286285/humans-wanted-a-sf-anthology/posts/1645766 $250 Dec 31

http://www.amurderofstorytellers.com/submissions/ $15 Oct 31st

\https://manchesterspeculativefiction.org/2016/08/09/revolutions-2/ Dec 31st $15


Writing Soundtrack: Evil Within


Evil Within is a fairly mediocre game. The soundtrack however is pretty good and I think it might be a good fit for some horror writing. It’s a bit upbeat, which isn’t always my cup of tea, but I can see it working for the right kind of story or chapter. It has some pounding, almost industrial sounding tracks, interespersed with some quieter passages with a bit more atmosphere. You could probably eliminate some of the more hardcore tracks for an easier listening experience.

Anyway, I’m not a music critic, take a listen and judge for yourself.

Writing Sountrack: Last of Us


This is going to be one of my staples: Soundtrack recommendations for writing.

Personally, I can write with most kinds of music playing, but sometimes I have trouble concentrating, especially if I know the songs well and the lyrics creep into my mind when I’m writing. Anyway, I finished the PS3 exclusive LAST OF US other day (review forthcoming) and I could tell the OST would be great for writing. Moody, quiet music, mixed in with some guitar tracks and some more uptempo ones, but nothing too jarring. I hate it when I’m listening to a soundtrack and reach that inescapable ”bad shit going down” part of it that completely breaks my concentration. Anyway, I suck at writing copy so I’m gonna keep this short.

I’m including a link to a spotify playlist.