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Short Story Markets & Submission Calls: 2017

New year, new stories, new short story markets.


Retro Future  Science FictionPays SWFA+ Theme: Love Deadline: February 1st

Retro Future Science FictionPays SWFA+ Theme: GamesDeadline: March 1st

Liminal Stories 6 c/wordDeadline: January 15th

Helios Quarterly 2 c/word+Commercial Cosmonauts & Hired GunsDeadline: January 15th

Nightscript  $20 Lit Horror Deadline: January 31st.

Tales to Terrify (Audio) $50  Deadline: January 31st.

A Breath from the Sky 3c/word Deadline: January 31st.       

Hyperion & Theia 1c/wordSaturnaliaDeadline: January 31st.

Gaslandia 1c/wordDieselpunkDeadline: March 1st

Ride the Star Wind 8c/wordCthulhu Space OperaDeadline: January 31st.

Triangulation: Appetites 2c/wordDeadline: February 28th.

Would But Time Await $75Folk HorrorDeadline: April

Pantheon 1c/wordMonstersDeadline: March 31st

Tales from the Lake 3c/wordHorrorDeadline: February 1st.

No Deadline/Ongoing Submissions

Scout 8 c/word. Social Science Fiction.

Sycamore Review $50

Lovecraft Zine $50

Sockdolager 2 CENT + REPRINTS

Red Sun $100

Syntax and Salt Magical Realism $10

Grendel Song 3 CENTS Folklore

Black Girls Are Magic $50

Bracken 2 cents/word

WOLVES $5-30

New Short Story Markets for October

October is upon us. You’re gonna be busy carving pumpkins and watching spooky flicks, so now’s the time to send out some submissions before it’s too late.

I only have a hanful available to submit, but I sent out what I had. What about you?



Here’s what’s new.

Markets with Deadlines

Young Explorer’s Adventure Guide. Middle Grade. 6 cents a word. Deadline:  January 31, 2017

Skelos Journal. Spec fic. 1 cent a word. Deadline: September 30.

Mythic. Spec fic. $40. Deadline: September 30, opens again December 1st.

Gods and Monsters. 6 cents a word. Deadline: December 31st.

World Unknown Review. $15. Deadline: October 31st.


…and here’s what’s old, but still current.


Magazines I like, no deadline

http://giganotosaurus.org/submission-guidelines/ 100$

Sycamore Review $50

Milkfist $10

Lovecraft Zine $50

Sockdolager 2 CENT + REPRINTS

https://gallerycurious.com/submissions/ 1.5 CENTS STEAMPUNK RETROFUTURE

http://www.slicemagazine.org/submit-your-work/#.VKWPiIqsVHi $250

Red Sun $100

Syntax and Salt Magical Realism $10

Grendel Song 3 CENTS Folklore

Black Girls Are Magic $50

Bracken 2 cents/word

http://www.whethermagazine.com/write-for-us/ $50

Far Strider

Vastarian Journal 1 CENT

http://www.norwegianamerican.com/contribute/ $50

https://authorbobfreeman.wordpress.com/2016/06/15/occult-detective-quarterly/ 1 CENT

https://persistentvisionsmag.com/guidelines 7 CENTS

WOLVES $5-30


Markets with Deadlines.

http://horrortree.com/taking-submissions-the-binge-watching-cure/ $250-500 Dec 31st

http://horrortree.com/taking-submissions-the-worlds-of-science-fiction-fantasy-and-horror-vol-ii/ $100 Oct 15th

https://orfordparishbooks.com/2016/06/21/call-for-submissions-for-new-england-folk-horror-anthology/ New England $75 2017

http://horrortree.com/taking-submissions-dark-toronto/ 3 CENTS Jan 31st

http://www.tacituspublishing.com/call_for_submissions.html 1 CENT Oct 31st

http://martianmigrainepress.com/submission-call-for-the-2017-mmp-anthology/ 3 CENTS Jan 31

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1962286285/humans-wanted-a-sf-anthology/posts/1645766 $250 Dec 31

http://www.amurderofstorytellers.com/submissions/ $15 Oct 31st

https://manchesterspeculativefiction.org/2016/08/09/revolutions-2/ Dec 31st $15

Short Story Markets

List of short story I have my eye on. All are paying, not all of them are pro. 


Magazines, no deadline

http://giganotosaurus.org/submission-guidelines/ 100$

https://sycamorereview.com/submissions/ $50

http://www.milkfist.com/submission_guidelines $10

https://lovecraftzine.com/submissions/ $50

http://www.sockdolager.net/submission-guidelines/ 2 CENT + REPRINTS

https://gallerycurious.com/submissions/ 1.5 CENTS STEAMPUNK RETROFUTURE

http://www.slicemagazine.org/submit-your-work/#.VKWPiIqsVHi $250

https://redsunmagazine.wordpress.com/guidelines/ $100

http://syntaxandsalt.com/submit/ Magical Realism $10

https://grendel-song.com/submit/ 3 CENTS Folklore

http://www.blackgirlmagicmag.com/submit/ $50

http://www.brackenmagazine.com/ 2 CENTS

http://www.whethermagazine.com/write-for-us/ $50


https://vastarien-journal.com/submission-guidelines/ 1 CENT

http://www.norwegianamerican.com/contribute/ $50

https://authorbobfreeman.wordpress.com/2016/06/15/occult-detective-quarterly/ 1 CENT

https://persistentvisionsmag.com/guidelines 7 CENTS

http://www.wolvesmagazine.com/#!submissions/c24vq $5-30


Anthologies, Themed Issues 

http://horrortree.com/taking-submissions-the-binge-watching-cure/ $250-500 Dec 31st

http://www.worldweaverpress.com/submit-anthologies.html Krampus Aug 31st $10

http://horrortree.com/taking-submissions-the-worlds-of-science-fiction-fantasy-and-horror-vol-ii/ $100 Oct 15th

https://orfordparishbooks.com/2016/06/21/call-for-submissions-for-new-england-folk-horror-anthology/ New England $75 2017

http://horrortree.com/taking-submissions-dark-toronto/ 3 CENTS Jan 31st

http://www.farolightpublishing.com/submissions/ 3 CENTS Sep 15th

http://frithbooks.com/restless/ $250 Aug 31st

http://poletopolepublishing.com/submissions/ 2 CENTS Aug 30th

http://www.tacituspublishing.com/call_for_submissions.html 1 CENT Oct 31st

http://martianmigrainepress.com/submission-call-for-the-2017-mmp-anthology/ 3 CENTS Jan 31

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1962286285/humans-wanted-a-sf-anthology/posts/1645766 $250 Dec 31

http://www.amurderofstorytellers.com/submissions/ $15 Oct 31st

\https://manchesterspeculativefiction.org/2016/08/09/revolutions-2/ Dec 31st $15