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Short Story Markets & Submission Calls: 2017

New year, new stories, new short story markets.


Retro Future  Science FictionPays SWFA+ Theme: Love Deadline: February 1st

Retro Future Science FictionPays SWFA+ Theme: GamesDeadline: March 1st

Liminal Stories 6 c/wordDeadline: January 15th

Helios Quarterly 2 c/word+Commercial Cosmonauts & Hired GunsDeadline: January 15th

Nightscript  $20 Lit Horror Deadline: January 31st.

Tales to Terrify (Audio) $50  Deadline: January 31st.

A Breath from the Sky 3c/word Deadline: January 31st.       

Hyperion & Theia 1c/wordSaturnaliaDeadline: January 31st.

Gaslandia 1c/wordDieselpunkDeadline: March 1st

Ride the Star Wind 8c/wordCthulhu Space OperaDeadline: January 31st.

Triangulation: Appetites 2c/wordDeadline: February 28th.

Would But Time Await $75Folk HorrorDeadline: April

Pantheon 1c/wordMonstersDeadline: March 31st

Tales from the Lake 3c/wordHorrorDeadline: February 1st.

No Deadline/Ongoing Submissions

Scout 8 c/word. Social Science Fiction.

Sycamore Review $50

Lovecraft Zine $50

Sockdolager 2 CENT + REPRINTS

Red Sun $100

Syntax and Salt Magical Realism $10

Grendel Song 3 CENTS Folklore

Black Girls Are Magic $50

Bracken 2 cents/word

WOLVES $5-30

30 Day Challenge – 30 Days, 30 Covers


A late start, but for the entire month of July I’ll be doing a book cover a day, every day. Yes, while all of you are enjoying the phantasmagorical beaches of some tropical island, I’ll be here working hard with the sun beating down on me.

Or not, because up here it’s raining right now and it’s cold as hell.

So, ride along with me as I post a new cover each day, along with a few words and maybe a photo of two of my office. 


Why are you doing this?

I’ve been feeling lazy and want to increase my output and be more creative.

What do I get out of it?

You can look at it with your eyeballs. You can purchase the book covers created. 

Are these covers available for sale?

Yes, yes they are. While this is going on, everything in my store will be discounted by 30%. 

How can I support you?

I’m glad you asked. If you’d like to get first dibs on the covers produced while I’m doing this, you can purchase a gift card from my online shop. The covers will be up for sale a day after they’re posted, so you have first crack at it by emailing me and telling me you want it. 

You can also support me on Patreon. You get a non-exclusive cover each month, but most importantly, you’re doing the best deed: putting money in my pockets.

Sharing this on social media is also super useful and something that cool kids do. You should too!

Okay so now what?

First cover drops July 3rd. Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter.